Adult Driver Education Course


The state requires that a candidate (adult 18-20 years old first time driver)  applies for a driver license needs to take and pass an Adult Driver Education course.

The course we developed has been approved: Adult Driver Education Course Code No. 3359.


If you need to take the course, please click here:



Driver Education for Illinois Adult First Time Drivers

The course will be 6 hours.


The course includes all the follows that are required by the state:

a)       Course Objectives:

The educational objectives of adult driver education include, but not be limited to, promoting respect for and encouraging observance of traffic laws and traffic safety responsibilities of drivers and citizens; reducing traffic violations; reducing traffic-related injuries, deaths and economic losses; and motivating continuing development of traffic related competencies through education, including, but not limited to, Illinois traffic law, risk management, driver attitudes, courtesy skills, and informing participants about the effects of alcohol and other drugs on driving ability.


b) Course content includes:

1) Familiarization with the process of obtaining an instruction permit and driver’s license and the obligations and responsibilities that exist with holding a license

2) Instruction on traffic laws

3) Highway signs

4) Signals and markings that regulate, warn or direct traffic, including traffic signs and lane markings

5) Issues commonly associated with motor vehicle accidents, including poor decision making, risk taking, distractions, speed, failure to use a safety belt, driving at night, failure to yield the right-of-way, texting while driving and using wireless communication devices

6) How to respond to emergency vehicles

7) Turning, passing and yielding

8) Construction and school zones

9) Stopping distance

10) Blind spots

11) Strategy for driving using: A) Smith System B) IPDE Process C) Zone Control D) Any other recognized process for identifying problems, predicting outcomes, deciding action and executing decisions

12) Right-of-way for pedestrians, emergency vehicles and school buses

13) Sharing the road with pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, trucks and recreational vehicles

14) Road hazards including visibility, weather and traction

15) Mental conditions including alertness, awareness and emotion

16) Alcohol and other drugs, including effects, responsibilities, driving under the influence, zero tolerance, and implied consent laws

17) Differences in urban and rural driving, including driving on highways and Interstate driving

18) Organ donor

19) Illinois Secretary of State emergency contact database